Friday, April 15, 2011

Mother Earth and Chocolate!

2 things are going on here.  First, Earth Day is coming up again on April 22nd.  Second my friend Carolyn is in the middle of a torrid love affair with chocolate.   Carolyn is vegan and very healthy and chooses what she eats wisely and I would always trust her opinion of flavors and brands that are delicious and can make you feel good in your heart as well as your taste buds.  So far she has inspired me to work my way up the scale of the percentages of cocoa in my favorite chocolates.  I've also been inspired by reading that dark chocolate has many health benefits which include increasing serotonin and lowering blood pressure. 
**On a side note, obviously these benefits are when it is eaten in moderation and since I've become the new and improved me I pay attention to serving sizes now before I begin to eat anything, so I'm sure to only eat one serving per day of these little bites of heaven (which usually equates to 1/3 of a bar). 
So anyway, I used to eat milk chocolate and think it was where it was at but now I am up to extra dark with 85% cocoa in my Godiva and Lindt that I buy when I'm shopping for essentials at CVS drugstore (seriously, a drugstore with this kind of selection of quality chocolates, just what the Dr ordered!).  Also, I buy my meats and produce from an amazingly awesome local Italian grocery Cacciatore Brothers and they have a super yummy bittersweet bar made by Perugina  that I enjoy often. 
Forward to how Earth Day and Carolyn's affair correlate.  In honor of Earth Day Carolyn is hosting a contest to give away some of one of her fave chocolates,  Endangered Species Chocolate, since they contribute part of their profits to habitat conservation.  And I'm definitely not passing up a chance to enjoy the awesomeness of free chocolate, and helping out Mother Earth at the same time.  She loves them and they found out and sent her samples that she is sharing with a lucky contestant.  Score!

 All I have to do to enter the awesome contest is tell her on her blog what I'm going to do for Earth Day April 22 (start a compost), comment on their blog which I happily did where they gave suggestions of different chocolates to try with different beers and one of the beers they mention is Stone which is one of my all time faves!  Oh and I follow them on Twitter now, yay!  So blog followers, keep your fingers crossed for me because we can always use some extra serotonin!


  1. Yes, I hear on needing a little extra serotonin! :) I am not sure if I can eat the dark chocolate. It isn't something I think tastes good. Think I could just get used to it? Also, I am starting a compost pile too! We setup the little area in our yard and now we just have to start. We are going a veggie garden in the backyard after Mother's Day (it is too cold til then) and we plan on using the compost for that.

  2. Steph it is definately an acquired taste. I think the key is small nibbles, and let it melt, like Carolyn recommends. It's more for savoring than eating fast like I can do with a milk chocolate. And keep me updated on your veggie garden!! I'm nervous to do that, I was thinking I would just do it for my hibiscus, and "maybe" someday try out veggies, but if they don't work I'll be so sad. Don't know if I want to risk it ;)
