Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Got My Bike!!

I finally got my new upgrade MTB and was able to finally pick it up on Monday. It arrived at the store on Friday, but in was later in the afternoon and after I dropped off my pedals, so it was too late for me to get it on Friday.  Then I worked Saturday and Sunday, so by Monday I was drooling for my bike!  I couldn't wait until I got it out of the store to take a shot of it.

It is a hardtail, a Gary Fisher Trek Mamba WSD 2011.   It's a 29er (meaning it has 29" wheels as opposed to the 26" that I am used to riding). I decided after much discussion with the shop manager Manny and his cohort Brian to go with the 14 1/2" frame.  The WSD (Women Specific Design) frame is lilac and it is hot!  I debated over and over as to whether I wanted to have them install the eggbeater pedals when they put the bike together for me.  There are a lot of benefits to having the clipless style pedals vs straps, and I have heard from many riders that eggbeaters are the easiest to clip in and out of.  So I decided to go for it.  The point of upgrading the bike is to upgrade my riding style.  I'm trying something new with the tires so I don't want to stay archaic and keep my straps on my pedals.  Time to get all big girl and get the clipless.  

I got the bike at my favorite local bike shop CBE (Carrolwood Bicycle Emporium) and they helped me every step of the way. 

They are the shop that sold me my first Trek and also Brian's Trek.  They have done all our work on our bikes and they are all a great bunch of guys.   Very well informed and educated.  They all ride so they really understand what I'm talking about when I ask for advice on my riding style and fit me with a great bike.  They offer professionalism that is unparalleled at any bike shop we've checked out in the area.  They recently moved to a larger storefront next door as an upgrade to their shop, and they were having a "Store Opening" sale from Wednesday until Sunday.  I can't pass up a great sale, especially on something I know I will be buying in the next 3 months regardless.  So the Mamba is finally mine!  
The store owner (another Brian!!) set me up with all the adjustments I needed with the seat and handlebars.  Then he put me on the trainer (at my request) so I could practice with the pedals for a little while without worrying about crashing.  I didn't feel very comfortable with getting in, but I knew there was nothing to it but to do it, so off we were (Husband Brian and I) to Flatwoods Park.   
It was there that I got my first blood.  Yes, I crashed twice.  No surprise. I knew I would.  Honestly, I'm glad to have gotten it over with.  The first time I was pedaling through a large area of deep sand and didn't get low enough into my gears (which is a common problem for me).  It became too late for me to shift and I was no longer able to pedal anyway.  I was so focused on the shifting that I forgot about the clipping and me and the new bike went down on our left side.  The good thing is it was sand so it was super soft and I only received one bruise on my inner thigh from where the seat hit.  Bad thing is me and the brand new bike were completely covered in the sand.  Once I started pedaling again I decided to practice my new SRAM shifters a bit since they work differently than I am used to (I used to shifting with my thumb and forefinger, but this setup uses thumb to go in both directions).  I like it, it will just take a little getting used to.  Problem here is that the chain was covered in sand.  Like it went from black to white.  So naturally the chain fell off, and when we stopped to fix it we were swarmed by mosquitoes.  I've never seen anything like it in my entire life!  It was actually terrifying.  You could hear them all around you, like LOUD, BZZZZZZZZZZ, and I swear we could hardly see through them. We ran with the bikes for a few minutes and finally Brian started pedaling my bike with his hand, and by the grace of God the chain fell back into place.  This is the moment I knew that I would never have a problem clipping in ever again.  My feet fit right onto those pedals faster than you could say West Nile Virus, and off we went.  Right back to the car. Ugh.  We ended up crossing the road and the trail on the other side wasn't nearly as bad with the bugs (as long as you kept moving) so we got in a good 16 miles.  I loved the bike!!!  I was completely exhausted though.  I thought it was because of the short stem.  The WSD comes with a 60mm stem and I am used to a 100mm.  The soreness could just be growing pains from a new frame and tires and a completely new feel to the bike.  Or the pilates I did the day before (ouch!).  Either way, we took the bike back to CBE and since they are so awesome, they ordered me an 80mm stem and they will swap the parts out for no charge.  Score!   So we took the paved road back to the "Hole in the Fence" entrance and when we were riding across a bridge, we saw 5 wild boars in the distance.  Awesome!!!  I unclipped in anticipation of stopping to look (see, I'm catching on) and then I turned around and pedaled about 5 yards to the guardrail to watch the boars, and put my right foot up on the guardrail while still on my bike.  Apparently my left food had clicked back in when turning around because I went to put my left foot on the ground so I could get my camera, me and the bike went tumbling down on our left again.  This time it was on pavement and it hurt more than the sand, but I just pictured poor Brian's face as he watched the entire scenario go down, so I could not.stop.laughing.  I picked up my ego, wiped the blood off my road rash elbow, and went home.  My hip is bruised something awful, but it was so damn funny that I'm good with it.  Maybe next time I'll finally earn the jersey.

but this was a good start :)


  1. You sound so bike knowledgeable! The most I could tell from looking at your bike is that it's purple and very pretty. :) Congrats on your new bike, although I'm sorry to hear about your tumbles as you get used to it!

  2. Haha, I need to get a bike. My bf told me that it's a necessity if I plan on staying with him for the long run, hahahahahaha. Pretty silly.

  3. Iris, that's awesome, it is so fun for H and I to go out together, and I think his friends think it's pretty decent also :)

  4. coming from a "roadie" i have a hard time getting excited about sand, but well done on your graduation! Rest assured that (as you may have experienced) early wrecks with clipless pedal almost always happen at speeds very close to stopped. And a 29er for such a little gal, ROCK IT!!

  5. I love the new bike. As for the new clipless pedals, a fall was bound to happen. Glad you could just get it out of the way for the first time in sand.


  6. Aw, your bike is so pretty! I'll have to do a bike post soon :)

  7. Hi, My wife and I live in the Tampa area and are looking at the Mamba WSD 29er as a new bike for her and have a few questions. If you could email me at jfreder4@gmail(dot)com I would really appreciate it!! Thanks!
