Yesterday I did the same Wed gym routine that I did last week. 5:30 Just Pump and 6:30 Yoga/Pilates. One move in Marcia's Just Pump class was super tough for me, but also made me ecstatic and motivated. After we finished with a tough arm segment using 10 lb weights and a combo of squats and lunges, my arms were exhausted. We cooled down our heart rates by going down to sit on our benches, feet up like we are in a kayak. Then we took our 15 lb bars and "rowed". It was pure hell for me, my arms could barely lift the weight. This is when it hit me. (Here come the exclamation points...) THAT BAR IS THE AMT OF WEIGHT I LOST!! I lost 10% of my body weight! 15 pounds! (minus 1) That bar at that time in that class was the heaviest thing in the world, and that is the extra weight I was carrying around for the past 2 years. No wonder I was slightly depressed and frustrated. Marcia has been with me at the gym since the day I joined and she knows how frustrated I was getting and she's seen me working my ass off in her classes. Yesterday we passed in the restroom after her class and she commented on how much I've trimmed down She's said that before on days I've had a good workout and I would tell her "actually I'm up 2 pounds...hopefully it's muscle). This day, though, I could honestly say "thank you!! I FEEL great too!"
I came home and Brian was in the garage trying to figure out what is wrong with his mom's car. It's an older Cadillac and he's pretty sure the radiator is going to need to be replaced, again. I came in and after a snack of fat free cottage cheese to get my post workout protein, I made Brians favorite vegetable, roasted brussel sprouts with canola oil and kosher salt. YUM! he grilled up some lean pork chops and we each had a glass of Malbec with dinner while we watched American Idol.
Tonight I work so I'm having lunch before I go in. I got some Boars Head barbecue chicken breast from the deli, sliced thick. I bought some fat free Dijon Vinaigrette dressing from Maple Grove Farms of Vermont Organics line. Delish! Also I'm slowly adding in other elements to my diet and while I'm not ready for bread yet, I bought these 100% multi grain crispbreads called Wasa. I don't know how to link pics, but here is a link to the website. They have Oprah's "bestlife aproved" stamp on them so I know they are good. Sidenote...I'm embarrassed to admit this but it's true, if I see the "bestlife aproved" sticker I feel pretty good about the product. This adds a great crunch to a salad instead of the fattening croutons. Here is my lunch.
2 cups of green leaf lettuce, one green onion sliced, 2 ounces chopped chicken breast, 1 ounce 1 1/2% mild jalapeno cheese, 1 tbsp fat free dressing, and then sprinkled with cayenne pepper for deliciousness. Paired with 2 wasa servings (one slice each), and 32 ounces of water. Desert will be a juicy peach (the plums will sit a few more days before I risk eating them again) with a protein powder in my water.
I will snack on a protein bar at work tonight, and when I get home from work around midnight, I will have a similar salad as I have now. Unless I get a kids grilled chicken meal from work. (3 ounces of grilled chicken breast and I will substitute the mashed potatoes and carrots for broccoli and spinach). That is $6. The salad is free, so we will play it by ear. Probably the salad. With another glass of Malbec (can't let the open bottle sit too long!) Day off from work tomorrow with the husband. He'll probably work on the car and I will likely repaint the office room. Nothing like a fresh coat of paint. Happy Thursday!
14 lbs? That is awesome!!! You rock!!!